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Perth, Western Australia

My name is Holly and I am in Perth Western Australia, I live with my 2 dogs, Harley & Suzi.

I work in an office in Perth city and 6 weeks ago we started working from home. I was lucky as I have an office job. I was able to set up my spare bedroom with a computer desk, and chair. My dogs are loving having me at home too.

We have been allowed to go out to buy essential food, and daily exercise, and I have been walking my dogs everyday after I finish my work at home.

Australia have had very strict rules and have shit their boarders. Only Australians have been allowed to fly into Australia. The different states in Australia have also shut their boarders. I am in West Australia, and the eastern states can not travel to WA unless it’s for essential work. If anyone travels into WA from the eastern states or are returning from overseas they have to go into quarantine. They get a bus straight from the airport and have to stay in a hotel for 14 days. Police guard the hotel and they are not allowed to leave. Some families have been put on rottnest island to stay for 14 days. Before they are allowed to leave they have to have a COVID-19 test.

This has helped stop the spread of COVID-19. Everyday more people recover, and for the last 6 days we have had ZERO new cases in WA. This is amazing and is great news. We now only have 14 active cases in the whole of WA. This now means restrictions are able to be lifted. People can meet in groups of 10 now for picnics and sport.

Restaurants and bars have been shut for the last 6 weeks. Only take away and delivery are allowed. This has meant that a lot of people have lost their jobs.

Hopefully in the next 2 weeks these will open again.

People are beginning to go back into my office this week. I’m sad as I will miss my dogs and they will miss me too. It’s been nice being at home with them, but I am looking forward to wearing my smart office clothes again.

I have been keeping in touch with work by using video calling on my computer, and having video meetings. I also video call my friends and also my family in the UK.

I worry about my family in the UK. There are a lot more people getting sick there.

It was also sad as I was unable to fly to England to see my mother for her 70th birthday 3 weeks ago. I video called her instead, and made a video message from her friends also as a surprise. I hope to celebrate her birthday next year instead.

I have been keeping busy by doing more cooking, watching television, playing with my dogs and doing jigsaw puzzles. I also have been trying to complete jobs round the house that I have meant to do for a while. Tidy cupboards, fix broken buttons.

My top tip to staying happy is to stay connected with friends and family. Keep motivated by writing lists of things to do for the day, and keep active. Walking my dogs had really helped.

Harley celebrated his birthday during lockdown so I gave him a special dinner of roast chicken.

We have only had 527 cases the whole time in WA. We have been very very lucky!

Children in Australia also have not been going to school. They have having school lessons at home. This week they returned to their school with rules about social distancing and good hygiene.

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